Discover how defense engineering company, RBSL, delivers advanced capability through a skilled workforce and world-class facilities 

Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) was launched in July 2019 as a new, UK-based joint venture business between BAE Systems and German defense firm, Rheinmetall. RBSL has a proud heritage, having designed, and delivered many of the British Army’s armored vehicle fleets under different business names over almost 130 years of armored capability development.  

With a skilled workforce of over 700 employees, including 300 engineers, across its UK sites in Telford, Gateshead, Bristol, and Bovington, the organization designs, manufactures and supports military vehicles for the British Army and international customers.  

The company’s core capabilities include design, manufacture, and interfacing programs for the Challenger 3, alongside capability, production, and through-life support for the Boxer. It also delivers support to the UK Ministry of Defence land enterprise in-service equipment, including the provision of field service support, post-design services, spares provision and repairs for equipment, including those designed and produced by RBSL such as Pinzgauer, Bulldog, Challenger 2, CRARRV, Terrier, Titan, Trojan and Warrior.  

RBSL worker in hi visibility jacket talking to military officerWilliam Gibby, Managing Director, shares further details of RBSL’s operations: “In May 2021, the British Army placed an order for 148 main battle tanks to be known as Challenger 3. This tank will be based on the existing Challenger 2 but will incorporate several upgrades, including a completely new turret structure and a 120mm smoothbore cannon capable of firing NATO standard ammunition, which will include a tank killing Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS), and a programmable high explosive round.   

“It will also incorporate a completely new digital panoramic sighting system, independent sighting systems for both commander and gunner that work by both day and night, an enhanced forward and reverse vision system for the driver that also works by both day and night, and new upgraded state-of-the art British armor, designed to defeat the current threats.  

“An Active Protection System (APS) will also be included and to come, will be a new type of APFSDS ammunition that can outmatch the current threat armor; the development of which has been jointly funded by the German and British governments. The program is progressing well,” William shares, “with the first two prototypes already completed and initial strength of design trials completed at the Rheinmetall test ranges in Unterluss, Germany. A further six prototype vehicles will be completed by Q2 2025. Further trialing will take place over the next two years to ensure that the vehicle delivers what the army has asked for and to demonstrate that it will be the best main battle tank in NATO.” 

Indeed, RBSL is committed to collaborating with a diverse supply chain to ensure the best products are incorporated into its platforms, services, and solutions, securing the highest levels of quality and safety whilst delivering value for money for the customer base. “This extends from the supply of unique items for legacy platform support or urgent operational requirements through to ensuring the latest equipment makes its way onto tomorrow’s military vehicles,” William adds. “RBSL is committed to ensuring SMEs and technological innovators are supported throughout our portfolio, with several supporting initiatives.  

Supply chain focus 

“We are proud of our UK content on UK defense programs, and equally proud to partner with international organizations. RBSL is also capable of leveraging the procurement network, design, and manufacturing capabilities of our wider respective parent companies. We can utilize our global supply chain to support local economic and industrialization aims to meet in-country prosperity requirements for international customers as required. 

“To this end, we ensure we have robust procurement and selection processes and procedures, ensuring fair and ethical conduct of suppliers throughout all stages of the contract lifecycle. This is assured via our commitment to supplier quality and supplier development,” he asserts. 

RBSL’s primary manufacturing facility is located on a 29-acre secure UK defense industry site in Telford, Shropshire, that provides 27,000 square meters of covered working areas. The site includes workshop space, with cranage up to 30 tons, for fabrication, assembly and testing of new vehicles, and maintenance and repair of in-service vehicles. It also boasts surface treatment facilities including grit blast, paint, and liner booths, a machine shop for component manufacture and repair, vehicle test capabilities, a Systems Integration Facility (SIF) for development of sub systems and new vehicles, 4500 square meters of warehousing, and a 1.6-kilometer test track with test capabilities such as vehicle brake slopes, wading tank and a 100-ton weighbridge. The facility can support a variety of military vehicles, ranging from small, wheeled to heavy tracked vehicles.  Tank firing its main gun on a testing ground

RBSL has invested heavily in technology to support the ramp up of Challenger 3 and Boxer production, as well as existing in-service support operations. From smart tooling and 3D scanning to additive manufacturing in support of vehicle development and prototyping, RBSL invests in technology to enhance manufacturing processes. “Additionally,” William adds, “for our deployed field service engineers and trials teams, we are investing in augmented reality glasses and associated connectivity to help remotely support and enable root cause analysis in the field. It is based on the same Kognativ Spark system that the MoD is implementing in its cloud and will allow secure video and audio connection over low bandwidth connections. Likewise, RBSL boasts robust on-site test capabilities including the Turret Test Rig (TTR), test track, power pack run-up facility, EMC chamber, and dynamic test rig. The TTR is a significant capital infrastructure project to provide RBSL with the facilities and test capabilities to reach the Challenger 3 turret objective system maturity and reliability before production begins.” 

Primed to support 

RBSL’s greatest priorities are the delivery of ongoing programs; notably Challenger 3 with integration of APS, next generation armor and the broad suite of capabilities required by the customer to deliver the most lethal tank on the battlefield.  

“Concurrently, our focus is on the delivery of Boxer to the British Army,” William adds. “RBSL is brilliantly positioned to manufacture a game changing 120mm mortar mission module which will significantly enhance the British Army’s lethality at the battle group level in the future. We don’t want to stop there however, and plan to be involved in the delivery of a range of Boxer capabilities, which will further enhance the ability of our army to fight and win.  

“After the significant investment in our Telford site, RBSL is primed to support the UK’s Land Industrial Strategy, particularly through the emerging opportunities of the Land Integrated Operating System, whereby we hope to provide a critical role in the through-life support of in-service equipment, including Challenger 3 and Boxer,” he elaborates.  

“With both Challenger 3 and Boxer, we are also excited to explore export opportunities, which are fully supported by the UK MoD and further underpin our position as a key partner in the Land Industrial Strategy. We are uniquely positioned to support the British Army with upgrade and modernization of its fleet of vehicles, and we’re keen to work with the army to ensure Titan, Trojan, Terrier and CRARRV can maintain their critical role in enabling brigade and divisional maneuver, which we know is so critical to the modernization of the future force.” 

Apprenticeship scheme 

Looking to the future, William shares details of the organization’s Early Careers community: “We currently have 28 apprentices enrolled on our apprentice scheme. These cover roles in engineering, operations, project management and business administration. The scheme’s duration ranges from two-to-four years depending on the level of qualification. In September 2024, we will see six of our current 28 apprentices graduate the scheme and take on permanent roles across all four of the disciplines. A further 11 new apprentices will join the scheme later this year bringing the number back up to 33. To date, the business has seen over 100 apprentices join the program,” he enthuses.  

“The business also offers opportunities for industrial placements either for a full year or just for the summer. This is a great learning opportunity to enhance education and a great chance for the business to engage the group with potential future employment opportunities. 

“RBSL’s strategy is clear,” William highlights. “Our vision is ‘shaping a global Britain as the UK’s through-life land platform champion where the best choose to serve.’ We enjoy a strong relationship with many countries overseas where we’ve provided products in the past, under our previous company names. Looking ahead, we are working in very close collaboration with the British Government on several export campaigns featuring our products, focussed on allied and friendly nations around the world. The close relationship between government and industry is the key to success in supporting Britain’s foreign policy strategy,” he concludes.