Experience the evolution of NP Aerospace and its commitment to protecting lives and the planet
Nearly 100 years old, NP Aerospace is a heavily experienced international leader in armor manufacturing and vehicle integration with an interesting growth story. The company specializes in delivering high performance defense and security solutions as well as engineering services for commercial applications. This includes lightweight, fatigue resistant products made from the world’s most advanced materials. At its core, NP Aerospace is dedicated to protecting the lives of military and security personnel through best-in-class products and services. James Kempston, Chief Executive Officer and Owner of NP Aerospace, provides a broader overview of the company’s offerings.
“There are two main businesses in NP Aerospace: the first focuses on composites and armor systems (CAS), while the other is a vehicle system services and spares (VSSS) business. Our CAS business is primarily dedicated to manufacturing protective armor for soldiers, law enforcement officers and vehicles, including hard body armor plates, ballistic helmet shells, Explosive Ordnance Disposal suits, vehicle armor, and other products related to survivability. Within that business, we also create commercial composites for sectors such as energy and transportation, with one of our bigger product lines being medical composites, within which we fabricate radiology beds for cancer treatment. Meanwhile, the VSSS side of our business serves as our services and vehicle capability hub. Here, we provide post-design services, through-life support, vehicle and system upgrades and integration, configuration management, integrated logistics support, and through-life spares for platforms and equipment used by various militaries around the world,” he clarifies.

Acquisition strategy
Throughout its history, NP Aerospace’s products and services offering has evolved as the company experienced events like buyouts and acquisitions. James tells us more about NP Aerospace’s background and journey to success. “Founded in 1926 in the UK, our company was initially part of a much larger organization called Courtaulds. Over the years, Courtaulds expanded into composites and plastics, prompting it to acquire the British company National Plastics in the 1950s, from which the initials of our company name originated. By the late 1980s, there was a shift in focus towards defense products like ballistic helmets and body armor. In the 1990s, the business was purchased by an American ground defense and aerospace company, which, subsequently, rebranded its aerospace division as NP Aerospace. From there, NP Aerospace grew in both the aerospace and defense sectors but was sold a couple more times, eventually focusing primarily on ground-based defense as well. During the mid-2000s and 2010s, NP Aerospace mainly specialized in body armor, Explosive Ordnance Disposal suits, vehicles, and vehicle armor. The company was publicly traded until 2018 when, I led a buyout with Canadian investment and transitioned it into the private business it is today. Since then, NP Aerospace has experienced both organic and inorganic growth and expansion through strategic acquisitions and now turns over upwards of £60m, putting us in the mid-tier company category rather than SME,” he informs.
One of these acquisitions occurred recently, when NP Aerospace bought the assets of a company named Jankel Armouring Limited in the UK (JAL). “We acquired the assets in the middle of 2024. Like us, JAL manufactured protected vehicles, armor, and seating systems for vehicles, and offered vehicle integration and upgrades akin to our VSSS business. Despite these similarities, JAL complements our business effectively, and its acquisition has brought several benefits. In terms of survivability, while our focus leans more towards composite armor, JAL specialized in metallic armor and full survivability systems. By integrating these capabilities into our CAS business, we have established a robust survivability partnership through which we can supply products for vehicles as well as complete survivability solutions, whether they involve metallic, composite, or ceramic components, or a combination of all.
“JAL’s assets are a key capability driver for us, offering our customers a strong supplier and solution provider able to deliver the complete survivability package. Following the acquisition, its vehicle integration, spares, and through-life support services seamlessly merged into our VSSS business. Additionally, the acquisition boasted different product lines that we did not have before, particularly in the realm of civilian armored vehicles like the Land Cruiser fleets, especially the 200 and 300 series. Thus, acquiring JAL has provided us with fresh product lines and capabilities in a lighter class of vehicles with which we were previously not involved. The acquisition has also introduced us to a range of new customers and contracts in regions such as Belgium, Sweden and Canada, enabling us to broaden our customer base,” James elaborates. “Six years ago, we managed one large vehicle customer, and we are now managing approaching 20,000 platforms, in part due to the acquisition but also due to winning the Conventional Vehicle Systems, Spares and Post Design Services (CVSSP) with the UK MOD.”
Environmental impact
For many years, NP Aerospace has been dedicated to upholding sustainable practices and reducing its environmental impact. “One of our key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives is to enhance our environmental footprint each year. To achieve this, we take into account the quantity of waste we divert from landfills and recycle. In 2024, we recycled 92 percent of all our offcuts, scraps and waste, effectively preventing them from ending up in landfills. This marks an improvement from the previous year.
“We constantly strive to reduce waste in multiple ways. For instance, we aim to use materials with recyclable components, such as some of our Kevlar® aramids, which we send to a company that repurposes them to reinforce rubber, tires and other products.
“Furthermore, in collaboration with one of our key suppliers, Avient, who produces Dyneema® UHMWPE polyethylene fiber composites used in our armour products, we are looking at how we can transition from petroleum-based composite materials to bio based ones,” says James. “Avient also has a very low carbon footprint and is actively developing circular solutions for Dyneema® end-of-life recycling. As a partner to global Ministries of Defence it is important for us to work with suppliers focused on full traceability to ensure material origin is from trusted NATO countries. Security of supply is critical. You need to know where you are buying from, levels back in the supply chain and transparent manufacturing processes, as well as delivering lightweight, life saving protective products for your customers. It’s important to try and use as much raw material as possible which is made in NATO countries and has a low CO2 footprint.”
Green initiatives
“As we strive to further reduce our impact on the environment, we have also implemented water recycling practices, which have allowed us to recycle over 90 percent of the water utilized in our operations. This is particularly significant given that we are a heavy water consumer due to all the steam heating and water cooling involved in our processes. Our water recycling system effectively enables us to cool down and reuse the water, instead of letting it go to waste. Lastly, we are engaged in a variety of programs aimed at supporting our customers’ green initiatives. For example, a couple of years ago, we helped develop, test, and deliver prototypes for the UK Ministry of Defence involving hybrid military vehicles Through this initiative, the Ministry of Defense is looking at ways to make its fleets more efficient and less dependent on petroleum-based fuels. Overall, we are deeply involved in supporting our customers’ green initiatives while remaining dedicated to our own sustainability efforts,” James says.
In conclusion, James sums up his vision for the future. “We expect NP Aerospace to be more synonymous with providing protection, survivability, and lightweighting solutions to various customers worldwide,” he states. “Ultimately, protecting and saving lives is at the core of our operations as we serve on the protection side in the defense industry. Thus, our plan is for our brand to become a recognized and trusted partner for all our clients’ protection and mobility requirements.
“As we are recruiting rapidly, our workforce is continually expanding, standing at 350 people today. What is especially great about our company is that there are members who have worked here for over 25 years, but also many new faces. Additionally, we support various training and graduate schemes, and we recruit veterans, recently winning the Armed Forces Covenant Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award. Continuing and expanding talent development initiatives such as this are crucial to securing the future of manufacturing,” he ends.