Fresh installation
San Felipe Springs Water Treatment Plant is based in the City of Del Rio, Texas. It is supplied by water from the nearby East and West San Felipe Springs, and uses an ultrafiltration system to process the water. The centre has an incoming flow of 18.2 million gallons per day. The treated water serves the population of Del Rio and the nearby Laughlin Air Force Base. The primary process used is ultrafiltration, which removes unwanted particles from the water.
Nearly 400 K-TORK rotary vane actuators were ordered for the San Felipe Springs Water Treatment Plant to aid in the ultrafiltration process. These highly accurate and reliable units are to replace existing actuators to ensure reduced maintenance and replacement costs. They are ideal for critical applications of this kind because of their high cycle and precise modulating output. They do not need to convert linear motion to rotary motion, which means they offer true rotary control. A direct drive design means K-TORKs provide accurate modulating specifications. The client chose Rotork and K-TORK actuators because of the benefits of reduced maintenance and lower replacement costs compared to their previous units, as well as the reliability of its products and support that Rotork can offer. The majority of the actuators have now been installed.